Apr 1, 2010

IC Class 5 - Impediments to Network Development

"How (Un)ethical Are You?" by Banaji, Bazerman, and Chugh

"The article explores four related sources of unintentional unethical decision making: implicit forms of prejudice, bias that favors one's own group, conflict of interest, and a tendency to overclaim credit." Problem is, as the article points out, we are not consciously aware of these problems. A solution starts with the recognition that our conscious attitudes could be serious screwed up.

Interesting link to see how biased you might be.

So, what's a manager to do? 1) Collect data, 2) shape the environment, and 3) broaden decision making. For example, shaping the environment is the notion that having a diverse set of people working in the office will lead to erosion in ethnic bias, and hence better decision.

For me, though, the thing that was really interesting was the comment by the authors that "These flawed judgments are ethically problematic and undermine manager's fundamental work - to recruit and retain superior talent, boost the performance of individuals and teams, and collaborate effectively with partners."

First, the idea that bad decisions can be unethical is interesting. Second, this observation reinforces a concept we learned in LO's GE case, that manager's chief job is to identify and grow talent. Perhaps I should spend more time at Darden learning to size people up.

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